UAE has one of the highest per capita emission rates in the world. Climate change may affect Abu Dhabi Emirate by increasing the sea level, more flooding and extreme weather. UAE did lots of things to help stop global warming first of all it sighted the
Thursday, May 31, 2007
UAE and Global Warming
Wednesday, May 30, 2007
Ten things to help stopping global warming
1- Use hybrid cars.
Drive cars that are not harmful for our environment.
2-Put strict rules for factories that pollute out ecosystem.
For instance put filters on top of the factory to reduce the pollution.
3-Educate the next generation by telling them about the effects of global warming.
Show them some pictures of the effects so they can be aware of what’s happing in the world.
4- Put high fees for those whom break the rules.
For example raise the cost of smoke packages.
5- Use Clean Energy.
Like using the sun to heat water.
6- Do companies to take care of trees.
Like putting a day for taking care of trees.
7-Resycle the wasted paper
For example newspapers, magazines, flyers, exc.
8-Try to reduce the usage of electricity
By closing the lights that you don’t need.
9- Use trains or subways to transport.
10- Share this boggier with your friends.
Sunday, May 6, 2007
Global Warming effects

There are serious rapid climate changes these changes influence everything animals, trees, weather temperatures and it also affects on people. For example many people suffer from skin cancer because of the rays that are coming from the sun others can’t stand the humidly they have breathing problems. Not only it affects human it also affects the ecosystem. Another reason is weather changes for example there’s drought in Africa and there’s high temperatures in Europe, floods in